Action Replay Harvest Moon Sunshine Island

Peringkat: --- [PILIH] Produk yang di Rack dan Kulkas Menjadi S Pangkat [Amerika Utara]
[PILIH] Produk yang di Rack dan Kulkas Menjadi S Pangkat
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000004A
020DCE80 006300C8
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00.000.046
020DC7C0 006300C8
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

ini adalah kode S lebih Pangkat

Peringkat: 5.00/5.00 Kelamin Modifikasi [Amerika Utara]
94000130 FCFF0000
220EA1A8 00.000.020
D2000000 00000000

94000130 FCFF0000
220EA1A8 00.000.021
D2000000 00000000

Tekan L dan R untuk mengaktifkan.
Peringkat: --- Barang Penciptaan kode [Amerika Utara]
94000130 FFFB0000
120DC0E4 0000XXXX
120DC0EA 000000YY
D2000000 00000000

XXXX = Item Code
YY = Quantity (kebutuhan berada dalam HEX)

0000 sabit
0001 cangkul
0002 kapak
0003 palu
0004 penyiram
0005 sikat
0006 pemerah
0007 gunting
0008 pancing
0009 bell

000A hewan kedokteran
Sapi 000B keajaiban ramuan
Domba 000C keajaiban ramuan

000D lobak biji (musim semi)
000E kentang bibit (musim semi)
000F mentimun benih
0010 strawberry biji
0011 kubis benih
0012 biji tomat (musim panas)
0013 benih jagung
0014 bawang benih
0015 biji labu
0016 nanas biji
0017 terong bibit (musim gugur)
0018 wortel biji
0019 yam biji
001A bayam benih
001B paprika biji
001C persik biji (all seasons)
001D pisang biji
001E oranye biji
001F biji apel
0020 biji anggur
0021 biji rumput (semua tapi musim dingin)
0022 benih padi
0023 gandum biji
0024 kedelai biji (sp, su, fa)
0025 soba biji
0026 biji sprite (sp, su, fa) hanya tumbuh di pulau panen sprite

0027 teleport stone

0028 lobak
0029 kentang
002A mentimun
002B strawberry
002C kubis
002D tomat
002E jagung
002F bawang
0030 labu
0031 nanas
0032 terong
0033 wortel
0034 yam
0035 bayam
0036 paprika
0037 peach
0038 pisang
0039 orange
003A apple
003C jamur
003D jamur klaster
003E truffle
003F beracun jamur
0040 beras
0041 gandum
0042 kedelai
0043 soba
0044 edamame? (Dari biji sprite?)
0045 rumput laut
0046 rebung
0047 blueberry
0048 kastanye
0049 landak laut
004A gelatin
004B tepung beras
004C tepung terigu
004D tepung kedelai
004E soba tepung
004F remah roti
0050 tepung beras manis
0051 telur
0052 Silkie telur
0053 mayones
0054 luar biasa mayones
0055 Susu
0056 jersey susu
0057 keju
0058 luar biasa keju
0059 yoghurt
005A luar biasa yoghurt
005B mentega
005C supperb mentega
005D biru ramuan
005E hijau ramuan
005F merah ramuan
0060 kuning ramuan
0061 orange ramuan
0062 ungu herbal
0063 indigo ramuan
0064 hitam rumput
0065 putih rumput
0066 kembar herbal
0067 Ikan (s)
0068 Ikan (m)
0069 Ikan (l)
006A padi candy
006B minyak
006C bubuk kari
006D chocolate

006E salad
006F acar lobak
0070 tumbuk kentang
0071 acar
0072 bawang salad
0073 rebus bayam
0074 tomato salad
0075 insalata di caprese
0076 ramuan salad
0077 spaghetti salad
0078 elli daun
0079 vichyssoise
007A gazpacho
007B bouillabaisse
007C jagung sup
007D sup bawang
007E labu sup
007F telur sup
0080 susu kedelai
0081 miso sup
0082 ramuan sup
0083 spaghetti sup
0084 jus tomat
0085 jus nanas
0086 persik jus
0087 pisang jus
0088 jus jeruk
0089 jus apel
008A jus anggur
008B anggur
008C jus wortel
008D blueberry juice
008E lassi
008F jus buah
0090 jus sayuran
0091 campuran jus
0092 smoothie buah
0093 sayuran Smoothie
0094 campuran Smoothie
0095 strawberry milk
0096 relax teh
0097 hot susu
0098 hot chocolate
0099 sangria
009A souper sup
009B dikukus lobak
009C french fries
009D direbus kentang
009E boneka kubis
009F panggang jagung
00A0 popcorn
00A1 jagung sereal
00A2 dimasak labu
00A3 miso terong
00A4 panggang terong
00A5 panggang ubi
00A6 telur rebus
00A7 spa-telur rebus
00A8 goreng telur
00A9 telur custard dikukus
00AA digulung telur dadar
00AB sashimi
00AC ikan tongkat
00AD fish & chips
00AE panggang jamur
00AF digagalkan jamur
00B0 gunung rebusan
00B1 tumis sayuran
00B2 chop suey
00B3 Sandwich
00B4 buah roti
00B5 scone
00B6 roti kismis
00B7 roti selai
00B8 kari roti
00B9 toast
00BA french toast
00BB dikukus roti
00BC dinner gulungan
00BD kroket
00BE krim kroket
00BF pangsit sayuran
00C0 kari bun
00C1 panci stiker
00C2 rebusan
00C3 tempura
00C4 soba chip
00C5 soba bola
00C6 dikukus bun
00C7 rumput laut pasta
00C8 spring roll
00C9 tahu
00CA natto
00CB okara
00CC goreng tahu
00CD tahu goreng pangsit
00CE beku-kering tahu
00CF rebus tahu
00D0 tahu dingin
00D1 kering bean curd
00D2 campuran natto
00D3 ikan natto
00D4 susu natto
00D5 permata natto
00D6 padi candy natto
00D7 red flower mix natto
00D8 chazuke
00D9 dadar
00DA omelet padi
00DB goreng telur atas beras
00DC telur atas beras
00DD susu sup
00DE cheese fondue
00DF sayur gratin
00E0 pizza
00E1 sushi
00E2 sashimi mangkuk
00E3 panggang ikan
00E4 direbus ikan
00E5 ikan meuniere
00E6 carpaccio
00E7 diasinkan ikan
00E8 rice ball
00E9 roti
00EA panggang nasi
00EB nasi sup
00EC bubur
00ED nasi goreng
00EE risotto
00EF doria
00F0 paella
00F1 edamame padi
00F2 yam padi
00F3 campuran beras
00F4 jamur padi
00F5 chestnut padi
00F6 beras rebung
00F7 tempura beras
00F8 tahu sushi beras
00F9 kering kari
00FA curry rice
00FB biru kari
00FC kari hijau
00FD kari merah
00FE kuning kari
00FF orange kari
0100 ungu kari
0101 indigo kari
0102 hitam kari
0103 white kari
0104 pelangi kari
0105 akhir kari
0106 terbaik kari
0107 gurih panekuk
0108 mie
0109 kari mie
010A tempura mie
010B tebal mie goreng
010C soba mie
010D tempura soba
010E mie goreng
010F spaghetti
0110 tofu steak yang
0111 mie nasi goreng
0112 poseidon mangkuk
0113 yam puding
0114 labu puding
0115 panggang pisang
0116 pisang cokelat
0117 manisan ubi
0118 pangsit yam
0119 panggang apel
011A apple pie
011B nanas pie
011C strawberry candy
011D sponge cake
011E puding
011F cheesecake
0120 panekuk
0121 donat
0122 Cookie
0123 chocolate Cookie
0124 ice cream
0125 sepele
0126 baumkechen
0127 churro
0128 cake
0129 kukus kue
012A chocolate cake
012B pangsit soba
012C padi permen panggang
Kedelai 012D padi permen
012E hijau pangsit
012F bambu pangsit
0130 pangsit buah
0131 chocolate fondue
0132 yam gelatin
0133 chestnut gelatin
0134 chestnut bun
0135 chestnut Kinton
0136 manis dan cerah
0137 beras
0138 selai stroberi
0139 apple macet
013A anggur macet
013B blueberry jam
013C marmalade

013D kecap
013E miso
013F bersantai daun teh

0140 Bodigizer
0141 Bodigizer xl
0142 hungerizer
0143 hungerizer xl

0144 buku biru
0145 green book
0146 red book
0147 kuning buku
0148 orange book
0149 ungu buku
014A indigo Buku
014B hitam buku
014C putih buku

014D gagal hidangan

014E menuai padi
014F menuai gandum
0150 menuai soba
0151 menuai kedelai

0152 moondrop bunga
0153 pinkcat bunga
0154 bunga biru ajaib
0155 bunga merah ajaib
0156 toyflower
0157 kunang-kunang bunga

0158 wol
0159 suffolk wol
015A benang
015B luar biasa benang

015C sampah bijih
015D tembaga
015E silver
015F emas
0160 Mystrile
0161 Orichalcum
0162 Adamantite
0163 bulan batu
0164 pasir naik
0165 berlian pink
0166 Alexandrite (red)
0167 Alexandrite (hijau)
0168 mitis batu
0169 berlian
016A emerald
016B ruby
016C topaz
016D peridot
016E fluorit
016F batu akik
Amethyst 0170

0171 matahari musim semi (set musim di rumah kaca)
0172 matahari musim panas
0173 matahari musim gugur
0174 matahari musim dingin

0175 gulma (rumput jenis)
0176 gulma (jenis bunga)
0177 stone
0178 cabang
0179 kayu
017A bahan batu
017B emas kayu
017C batu tablet
017D botle
017E bajak laut harta karun
017F fosil ikan
Kosong 0180 dapat
0181 booting
0182 tulang ikan
0183 pakan ternak
0184 pakan ayam
0185 makanan hewan
0186 tikus makanan
0187 sparrow makanan
0188 kelinci makanan
0189 bebek makanan
018A badger makanan
018B monyet makanan
018C setelah meninggalkan makanan (?)
018D 10.000G tiket
018E 1.000.000G tiket
018F biru bulu

0190 biru indah
0191 hijau yang indah
0192 merah indah
0193 kuning indah
0194 oranye indah
0195 ungu indah
0196 indah indogo
0197 indah sepotong (mengumpulkan 7 untuk membuat wondeful)

0198 pedometer (jumlah langkah)
0199 godhand (memilih item yang jauh)
019A H. dewi anting (restore sta (s)
019B H. dewi anting (restore sta (m)
019C H. dewi anting (restore sta (l)
019D kappa anting (restore ful (s))
019E kappa anting (restore ful (m)
019F kappa anting (restore ful (l)
01A0 penyihir P. anting (mengembalikan sta dan penuh (s))
01A1 penyihir P. anting (mengembalikan sta dan penuh (m)
01A2 penyihir P. anting (mengembalikan sta dan penuh (l)
01A3 friendship pedant (persahabatan lebih mudah untuk membangun (s)
01A4 friendship pedant (persahabatan lebih mudah untuk membangun (m)
01A5 friendship pedant (persahabatan lebih mudah untuk membangun (l)
01A6 turbo sepatu (inc kecepatan bergerak)
Waktu 01A7 memperlambat cincin
Waktu 01A8 mempercepat cincin
01A9 H. dewi liontin (inc max sta (s))
01AA H. dewi liontin (inc max sta (m)
01AB H. dewi liontin (inc max sta (l)
01AC kappa liontin (inc max ful (s)
01AD kappa liontin (inc max ful (m)
01AE kappa liontin (inc max ful (l)
01AF penyihir P. liontin (inc sta dan ful (s)
01B0 penyihir P. liontin (inc sta dan ful (m)
01B1 penyihir P. liontin (inc sta dan ful (l)

Peringkat: --- Hati max for Animals [Amerika Utara]
Max Affection Hewan (Tekan Select)
94000130 FFFB0000
0205F9C4 EA000002

Peringkat: --- Max / Tak Terbatas Uang [Eropa]
020DC11C 3B9AC9FF

Peringkat: --- Nama Pengubah [Eropa]
Nama Modifier:
220DC100 000000YY
220DC101 000000YY
220DC102 000000YY
220DC103 000000YY
220DC104 000000YY
220DC105 000000YY
220DC106 000000YY

Pertanian Nama Modifier:
220EA420 000000YY
220EA421 000000YY
220EA422 000000YY
220EA423 000000YY
220EA424 000000YY
220EA425 000000YY
220EA426 000000YY

Ganti dengan YY:
21 -!
22 - "
26 - &
27 - '
28 - (
29 -)
40 - @

Peringkat: 5.00/5.00 Kode lain ... [Amerika Utara]
Max Lumber
020EC648 000003E7

Max Batu
020EC64E 000003E7

Max Emas Lumber
020EC654 000003E7

Panen Sprite Affection
C0000000 00.000.027
120E4A4E 0000FFFF
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

Max Sun Stones
220EA23E 00.000.063

[PILIH] Max Affection dengan Warga
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00.000.080
120E48C2 0000FFFF
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

[PILIH] Max Affection dengan Hewan Liar
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00.000.005
120E9FA8 000003E8
220E9FAA 00.000.063
DC000000 00.000.014
D2000000 00000000

Animal Affection Max Setelah skinship
0205F9C4 EA000002

WaterCan Jangan Penurunan
220579EC 00000000

[SEL + Up On, SEL + Down Off] Waktu Jangan Meningkatkan
94000130 FF7B0000
0203537C E5C51015
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFBB0000
0203537C E1A00000
D2000000 00000000

[PILIH] Semua Makanan untuk Hewan
94000130 FFFB0000
120EC65A 0000270F
120EC660 0000270F
121EC666 0000270F
D2000000 00000000

[PILIH + Down] Semua Mineral Stones Info
94000130 FF7B0000
C0000000 00.000.015
020EB91C 0001869F
DC000000 00000004
D2000000 00000000

[PILIH] Semua Produk di Kulkas + S rank
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 C8C80028
C0000000 00.000.046
D6000000 020DC7BC
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000008
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 00.000.046
020DC7C0 006300C8
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

Catatan: tidak semua kode di sini telah diuji sehingga menggunakannya di risiko Anda sendiri ...

Peringkat: --- Item peringkat S! [Amerika Utara]
Ini menempatkan item dalam lemari es (kulkas ya, itu kulkas magis) S-rank & maxed, menggunakan
s-rank kulkas kode.

Pertama set
Pastikan Anda memiliki ruang di lemari es Anda, itu akan menggantikan 62 item pertama dalam kulkas!
Menuai tanaman, bunga, wol, benang, bijih, matahari,
bahan, memancing barang, pakan ternak, dan makanan hewan.

94000130 fffb0000
d5000000 c8c8014e
c0000000 0000003d
d6000000 020dc7bc
d4000000 00000001
dc000000 00000008
d2000000 00000000
94000130 fffb0000
c0000000 0000003d
020dc7c0 006300c8
dc000000 0000000c
d2000000 00000000

Kedua set
Sekali lagi pastikan Anda memiliki ruang di lemari es Anda, itu akan menggantikan 11 item pertama dalam kulkas!
10.000 & 1.000.000 tiket, semua wonderfuls dan sepotong

94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 C8C8018D
C0000000 0000000a
D6000000 020DC7BC
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000008
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000000a
020DC7C0 006300C8
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000
Peringkat: --- S-Rank kode item [Amerika Utara]
Setiap Item dalam Rucksack adalah S rank Kualitas (Pilih)
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 0000C8C8
C0000000 00.000.022
D7000000 020DBF1E
DC000000 0000000a
D2000000 00000000
D5000000 000000C8
C0000000 00.000.022
D8000000 020DBF20
DC000000 0000000B
D2000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Setiap Item dalam Kabinet adalah S rank Kualitas (Pilih)
94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 C8C8014E
C0000000 0000004A
D6000000 020DCE7C
D4000000 00000001
DC000000 00000008
D2000000 00000000
94000130 FFFB0000
C0000000 0000004A
020DCE80 006300C8
DC000000 0000000C
D2000000 00000000

Peringkat: --- pengubah musim [Amerika Utara]
Spring (Tekan L + R + Up):
94000130 FCBF0000
220DBE48 00000000
D2000000 00000000

Summer (Tekan L + R + Kanan):
94000130 FCEF0000
220DBE48 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Kejatuhan (Tekan L + R + Bawah):
94000130 FC7F0000
220DBE48 00000002
D2000000 00000000

Musim dingin (Tekan L + R + Kiri)
94000130 FCDF0000
220DBE48 00000003
D2000000 00000000

Peringkat: --- Beberapa kode dasar [Amerika Utara]
Max Uang

Max Stamina
220DBE94 00000064
223C0DBC 00000064

Max Kepenuhan
220DBE98 00000064
223C0DBE 00000064

Harvest Moon Sunshine Island - Will Heart Event


This gentleman arrives on the island riding a white horse off of his yacht docked at the pier on Sprout Island. He is visiting his wealthy uncle Regis and cousin Sabrina, and lives on his yahact and not at their mansion. Will's full name is William Terry Louis Andrew Carrick Jonathan Dredge Hams Reading Roger Southwark Alwick Plymouth Junior Regison III.
Will has a very regal and polite tone. He uses words like "my lady" and generally tries to be noble towards the opposite gender. Will doesn't have any preference for cooked recipes and prefers basic items.
Birthday: Fall 13
Unlocks: Raise the Volcano Island (8 Sun Stones) and a few days later, walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island to meet Will.

Ideal Gifts

Special Gift: +800 points

Firefly Flower

Loved Gifts: +500 points

Blue Magic Flower, Moondrop Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Red Magic Flower, Toy Flower

Liked Gifts: +300 points

Apple, Banana, Bell Pepper, Black Herb, Blue Herb, Blueberry, Buckwheat, Butter, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Cucumber, Edamame, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (L), Fish (M), Fish (S), Grape, Green Herb, Indigo Herb, Jersey Milk, Mayonnaise, Milk, Mushroom, Mushroom Cluster, Onion, Orange, Orange Herb, Peach, Potato, Pumpkin, Purple Herb, Red Herb, Rice, Seaweed, Strawberry, Soybeans, Spinach, Superb Butter, Superb Cheese, Superb Egg, Superb Mayonnaise, Superb Yogurt, Tomato, Turnip, Twin Herb, Wheat, White Herb, Yam, Yellow Herb, Yogurt

Disliked Gifts: -300 points

10,000 G Ticket, Alexandrite, Fish Fossil, Mythic Ore, Pink Diamond, Pirate Treasure

Hated Gifts: -800 points

Cooked Recipes:
Dairy Natto, Fish Natto, Gem Natto, Mix Natto, Mochi Mix Natto, Natto, Red Flower Mix Natto

HORROR Gift: -5000 points

1 Million G Ticket

Heart Events

Will's Troubles
Purple Heart Event

» Walk from Ranch Island to Verdure Island
» Sunny or Cloudy day: 8:00 am to 11:00 am
» Will at a purple heart color or above
As you are walking down the path, Will accidentally bumps into you. Will apologizes and asks if you are injured.
» It's all right. = Positive answer!
Will is glad to know you are okay, as he had nearly injured a maiden. He explains that his mind was occupied; the time on the islands seems to pass by slower than anywhere he's been before. Perhaps because it's the islands are so peaceful and everyone is so kind to one another. Will is glad he had the chance to talk to you, and now he's off to explore the islands some more.
» It's not all right. = Negative answer.
The gentleman feels sorry for hurting a lady, and requests that he escort you back to your farm to make up for it. He is truly sorry for injuring you, even if it wasn't very serious.

Will's Invitation
Blue Heart Event

» Walk into the cabin of Will's boat
» Rainy day: 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
» Will at a blue heart color or above
» You have seen "Will's Troubles"
Will is glad that you have stopped by to visit him on this rainy (or snowy) day, but he was just on his way out the door; Regis had invited Will to his house. Will thinks for a moment and asks if you would like to go with him to the mansion. You are reluctant to intrude, but Will insists that Regis and Sabrina would like to see you too.
» I'll go = Positive answer!
You accompany Will to his uncle's house, where Regis and Sabrina are cooking some food to eat. Regis tells "William" that the food is almost ready, and notices that you've come along with his nephew. He is glad that you've come to eat as well. Sabrina says that her father's soup is really good.
You will return back to your farmhouse when the event is over, and your Fullness bar will be filled.
» I'll pass this time around. = Negative answer.
Will is shocked because he has never been turned down by a maiden before! He must head out to his visit with his uncle and so he leaves you behind.

Will and Arthur
Green Heart Event

» Take Kirk's boat from any island to Verdure Island
» Sunny day: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm
» Will at a green heart color or above
» You have seen "Will's Invitation"
As you are exiting the boat, you hear a horse off in the distance. It turns out to be Will, riding his white stallion along the beach. Will dismounts as he rides up to you and introduces you to his horse, Arthur. You and Arthur met once before, when you first met Will. The horse seems happy to see you again.
Will explains that he did originally send Arthur back home after you first met, but then he received a letter from his parents that said Arthur was lonely without him. Will can't go home yet so he had Arthur sent to the island.
» You get along so well! = Positive answer!
The two of them have been together since Will was born, and the two of them have never been apart. Unfortunately Arthur couldn't stay on the island; doing this journey was meaningful because Will was doing it alone. He apologizes to his horse for leaving him behind.
You don't think that's the case at all. It seems Arthur was just worried about Will, and not necessarily lonely. Will is glad that the horse was simply worried, and thanks him for the concern. Will thanks you as well because you were able to understand what Arthur was trying to tell him.
The two of them gallop away so Will can spend some time alone with his horse, telling him stories about his live on the island.
» Sounds like a pain... = Negative answer.
Will doesn't see it that way! He and Arthur have been together since Will was born. Will is annoyed at you, and rides off on his horse.

Out with Will
Yellow Heart Event

» Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Not on Cloudy days
» Will at a yellow heart color or above
» You have seen "Will and Arthur"
As you go inside your house, Will comes by to check to see if you're home. He wants to hear your voice and invites you to go somewhere.
» Sure! = Positive answer!
Just thinking how you'll spend the day together sends his heart racing. The two of you walk through Verdure Island until you reach the diner. Will has always wanted to go inside, but he didn't want to do it alone. He asks if you would go with him. Of course you will!
Inside the diner, Will comments on how much smaller it is inside than he thought it would be. He had heard that he has to place his own order to get food, and asks you to point him in the right direction. The two of you head over to the counter and Will orders some food.
Back at the table, Will finds his meal to be quite nice. The food is delicious and the spices are tantalizing, although the most amazing spice is simply being with you.
Will thanks you for going out with him today. You will return to your farm house at 6:00 pm.
» No thanks. = Negative answer.
That's too bad. Will sadly leaves.

Harvest Moon Sunshine Island - Lily's Heart Events

Lily's Heart Events

Lily the Treasure Hunter
Purple Heart Event

Lily purple heart event » Volcano Island
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
» Lily at a purple heart color or higher
Lily is looking around the island for treasure again, and asks if you can help her today. She thinks you could be useful.
» Help Out = Positive answer!
The two of you go into the mine to look around. Lily tells you she thinks that the lava in the mine is amazing. Not everyone gets to see it up close. Lily is glad to know that you feel the same way.
When the two of you exit the mine, Lily thanks you for the help. She was able to collect a lot of ore because of you. She hopes that you'll help her again some day.
» Go Home = Negative answer.
You turn to leave, and Lily threatingly asks why you are not going to help her. As you run off in fear, she shouts at you that you'll regret this later.

The Smell of Treasure
Blue Heart Event

Lily blue heart event » Walk from Verdure Island to Sprout Island
» Rainy day: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
» Lily at a blue heart color or higher
» You have seen "Lily the Treasure Hunter"
Lily appears to be very interested in the large rock by Gannon's shop. She is glad that you have stopped by because she wants to ask a question.
» Listen = Positive answer!
Lily asks a lot of questions about the rock. Maybe it is hiding something? She finds it strange that this giant rock is just sitting here by the shore. Her treasure hunter's intuition tells her that there's something about this rock.
You explain that the only thing this rock is for is to gather seaweed. Lily is a little disappointed that her intuition was wrong. She admits that everyone has off-days and she shouldn't let it bother her.
» Don't Listen = Negative answer.
Lily is annoyed that you are ignoring her. She chases you away.

Journey Partner
Green Heart Event

Lily green heart event » Lily's room at the inn
» Sunny day: 6:00 am to 10:00 am
» Rainy day: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
» Lily at a green heart color or higher
» You have seen "The Smell of Treasure"
Lily is busy organizing and cleaning her belongings. You inquire about the stuffed panda bear that she has in her room, so Lily tells you the bear is hear traveling companion.
» Yep, it's weird. = Negative answer.
You've insulted her honor. Lily asks you to leave.
» It must be important to you. = Positive answer!
It is Lily's most precious possession because it saved her life! She explains a long time ago she was treasure hunting in a cave when the whole place caved in on her. Lily didn't have any time to run! Suddenly out of no where, the stuffed bear fell down onto her head and cushioned her from the debries. It's a mystery what a stuffed panda was doing in the cavern but she doesn't want to question fate. The panda has been her traveling companion ever since.
Telling you this story indicates that Lily has trust with you. She expects that you won't tell anyone else.

Out with Lily
Yellow Heart Event

Lily yellow heart event » Walk into your farm house
» Sunny day: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
» Lily at a yellow heart color or higher
» You have seen "Journey Partner"
Lily is pleased with today's weather and wants to go adventuring with you.
» Sure! = Positive answer!!
You and Lily head out to Mystic Islands, a place she hasn't been to before. She finds the "indigenous house of worship" (the church) and wants to go inside.
Lily finds the Harvest Goddess shrine at the front of the church and asks you about it. She says the Goddess statue is beautiful, and ponders about being rich if she had the statue. Of course she wouldn't do that though!
Lily hopes that the Harvest Goddess will grant her wish; she hopes that the day will last longer so that she can spend the time talking to you. It won't happen of course, but Lily thinks it would be nice. The two of you will just have to make the most of the day that you do have.
» No thanks. = Negative answer.
Are you displeased with her? Lily plans to set out by herself and then leaves.

Resep Masakan Di Harvest Moon Back To Nature

Resep HM BTN

Resep Masakan 1. Apple Jam (Selai Apel) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Sugar, Apple. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Wine. Peralatan utama : Pot

2. Apple Pie (Pie Apel) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Apple, Sugar, Butter, Egg, Flour. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Wine, Honey. Peralatan utama : Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin.

3. Bamboo Rice (Nasi Bambu) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Knife.

4. Boiled Egg (Telur Rebus) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Egg. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt. Peralatan utama : Pot.

5. Butter (Mentega) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Milk. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Mixer.

6. Cake (Kue Tart) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Butter, Egg, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Apple, Wild Grape, Strawberry. Peralatan utama : Oven, Whisk.

7. Cheesecake (Kue Keju) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cheese, Milk, Egg, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Strawberry. Peralatan utama : Oven, Pot, Whisk.

8. Cheese Fondue (Roti Keju) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cheese, Bread. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Wild Grape, Salt. Peralatan utama : Knife, Pot.

9. Chocolate Cake (Kue Tart Coklat) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Apple, Strawberry, Wild Grape. Peralatan utama : Oven, Whisk Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

10. Chocolate Cookie (Kue Coklat) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey. Peralatan utama : Oven, Rolling Pin.

11. Cookies (Biskuit) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Egg, Butter, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey. Peralatan utama : Oven, Rolling Pin.

12. Curry (Kari) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Curry Powder, Rica Ball. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Vinegar, Salt, Soy Sauce, Sugar, Oil, Grape Juice, Spinach, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Wine, Green Pepper, Wild Grape, Boiled Egg, Pumpkin, Truffle, Bamboo Shoot, Spa-Boiled Egg, Fish, Milk, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Onion, Apple, Carrot, Potato. Peralatan utama : Pot.

13. Curry Noodles (Mie Kari) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Curry Powder, Flour. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Sugar, Salt, Miso Paste, Soy Sauce, Turnip, Egg, Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Eggplant, Cabbage, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Truffle, Onion, Fish. Peralatan utama : Pot, Rolling Pin.

14. Dinner Roll (Roti Gulung) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Butter, Bread. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : -

15. Fried Noodles (Mie Goreng) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Noodles, Oil. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Turnip, Cabbage, Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Eggplant, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Truffle, Fish, Egg, Sugar, Salt, Miso Paste, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

16. Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Rice Ball, Egg, Oil, Salt, Sugar, Soy Sauce. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Green Pepper, Bamboo Shoot, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Boiled Egg, Scrambled Egg, Mushroom, Spinach, Spa-Boiled Egg, Grilled Fish, Onion, Sashimi. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

17. Fries (Kentang Goreng) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Potato, Oil. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Ketchup. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan, Knife.

18. Fruit Juice (Jus Buah) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grape. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Sugar, Grape Juice. Peralatan utama : Mixer. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

19. Fruit Latte (Yogurt Buah) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Milk, Apple, Pineapple, Strawberrt, Wild Grape. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Sugar, Honey, Grape Juice. Peralatan utama : Mixer. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

20. Mayonnaise XL (Mayonnaise Raksasa) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Golden Egg, Oil, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Whisk.

21. Grape Jam (Selai Anggur) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Wild Grape, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Wine. Peralatan utama : Pot.

22. Grilled Fish (Ikan Bakar) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Medium Fish. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan.

23. Happy Eggplant (Terong Goreng) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Eggplant, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Miso Paste, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan.

24. Hot Milk (Susu Panas) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Milk. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Sugar. Peralatan utama : Pot.

25. Ice Cream (Es Krim) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Egg, Milk, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Apple, Strawberry, Pineapple, Wild Grape. Peralatan utama : Whisk, Pot.

26. Kethcup (Saus Tomat) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Tomato, Onion, Salt, Sugar, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Mixer.

27. Mayonnaise L (Mayonnaise Besar) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Large Egg, Oil, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Whisk.

28. Mayonnaise M (Mayonnaise Sedang) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Medium Egg, Oil, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Whisk.

29. Miso Soup (Sup Miso) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Miso Paste, Cabbage. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Green Pepper, Potato, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Carrot, Corn, Egg, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Onion, Small Fish, Turnip, Truffle, Salt, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Pot. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

30. Mixed Juice (Jus Campur) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Wild Grape, Strawberry, Apple, Pineapple. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Sugar, Honey, Spinach, Green Pepper, Onion. Peralatan utama : Mixer. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

31. Mixed Latte (Yogurt Campur) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Wild Grape, Strawberry, Apple, Pineapple, Milk. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Sugar. Peralatan utama : Mixer. Peralatan tambahan : Knife. 32. Mushroom Rice (Nasi Jamur) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Mushroom, Rice Ball. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Knife.

33. Noodles (Mie) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Cabbage, Turnip, Sweet Potato, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Eggplant, Onion, Truffle, Mushroom, Fish, Egg. Peralatan utama : Pot, Rolling Pin. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

34. Greens (Sayuran Hijau) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Spinach, Soy Sauce. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Pot.

35. Omelet (Telur Dadar) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Egg, Milk, Oil. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Frying Pan. Peralatan utama : Whisk.

36. Pickled Turnips (Asinan Lobak) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Turnip, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Sugar, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Knife.

37. Pickles (Asinan) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cucumber, Salt. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Knife.

38. Pizza Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Cheese, Kethcup. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Bamboo Shoot, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Eggplant, Mayonnaise, Pineapple, Truffle, Egg, Fish, Mushroom, Green Pepper, Onion, Corn, Potato, Tomato. Peralatan utama : Oven, Rolling Pin. Peralatan utama : Knife.

39. Popcorn Bahan / Bumbu utama : Corn. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Butter. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan.

40. Pumpkin Pudding (Puding Labu) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Pumpkin, Egg, Milk, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Oven, Pot.

41. Raisin Bread (Roti Kismis) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Bread, Wild Grape. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : -

42. Relaxation Tea (The Relaksasi) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Relaxation Tea Leaves. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Sugar, Honey, Milk, Apple, Pineapple, Strawberrt, Wild Grape, Red Grass, Blue Grass, Green Grass. Peralatan utama : Pot. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

43. Rice Omelet (Nasi Omelet) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Truffle, Bamboo Shoot, Pumpkin, Carrot, Green Pepper, Mayonnaise, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Fish, Kethcup, Spinach, Cheese, Onion, Corn, Potato. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan. Peralatan tambahan : Whisk, Knife.

44. Roasted Potato (Ubi Bakar) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Sweet Potato, Salt, Sugar, Stone. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Oven.

45. Salad Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Sugar, Truffle, Mushroom, Strawberry, Turnip, Cheese, Green Pepper, Apple, Pineapple, Mayonnaise, Onion, Corn, Boiled Egg, Potato. Peralatan utama : Knife.

46. Sandwich Bahan / Bumbu utama : Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Truffle, Cabbage, Fish, Honey, Wine, Apple, Carrot, Mushroom, Onion, Sweet Potato, Wild Grape, Cheese, Corn, Pineapple, Mayonnaise, Potato, Strawberry, Butter, Boiled Egg. Peralatan utama : Knife.

47. Sashimi Bahan / Bumbu utama : Medium Fish / Large Fish. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Knife.

48. Scrambled Egg (Telur Ceplok) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Egg, Oil. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Butter, Mayonnaise, Salt, Sugar, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan. Peralatan tambahan : Whisk.

49. Mayonnaise S (Mayonnaise Kecil) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Small Egg, Oil, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Whisk.

50. Stew (Rebusan) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Milk, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Oil, Pineapple, Spinach, Wine, Green Pepper, Wild Grape, Boiled Egg, Bamboo Shoot, Spa-Boiled Egg, Fish, Mushroom, Sweet Potato, Potato, Turnip, Cheese, Egg, Eggplant, Onion, Corn, Carrot. Peralatan utama : Pot. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

51. Stir Fry (Tumisan) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cabbage, Oil, Soy Sauce. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Potato, Tomato, Cucumber, Sweet Potato, Turnip, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Corn, Eggplant, Carrot, Vinegar, Miso Paste, Salt. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan, Knife.

52. Strawberry Jam (Selai Strawberry) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Strawberry, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Pot.

53. Strawberry Milk (Susu Strawberry) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Strawberry, Milk. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Honey, Salt, Sugar. Peralatan utama : Mixer.

54. Sweet Potato (Ubi Manis) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter, Sugar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : Pot, Oven.

55. Sushi Bahan / Bumbu utama : Vinegar, Rice Ball, Sashimi. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : -

56. Tempura Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Egg, Oil. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Truffle, Turnip, Cucumber, Cabbage, Spa-Boiled Egg, Carrot, Corn, Boiled Egg, Fish, Pineapple, Pumpkin, Spinach, Green Pepper, Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Sweet Potato, Eggplant. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan. Peralatan tambahan : Whisk.

57. Tempura Noodles (Mie Tempura) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Tempura, Noodles. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Green Pepper, Turnip, Sweet Potato, Onion, Bamboo Shoot, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Mushroom, Truffle, Fish, Salt, Sugar, Miso Paste, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Pot. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

58. Tomato Juice (Jus Tomat) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Tomato. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt. Peralatan utama : Mixer.

59. Truffle Rice (Nasi Truffle) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Truffle, Rice Ball. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Salt, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Knife.

60. Vegetable Juice (Jus Sayur) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Truffle, Corn, Bamboo Shoot, Mushroom, Turnip, Eggplant, Onion, Tomato, Green Pepper, Spinach, Soy Sauce, Salt, Vinegar. Peralatan utama : Mixer. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

61. Veggie Latte (Yogurt Sayur) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Milk, Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Truffle, Corn, Bamboo Shoot, Eggplant, Mushroom, Turnip, Onion, Green Pepper, Tomamto, Spinach, Cheese, Egg, Salt. Peralatan utama : Mixer. Peralatan tambahan : Knife.

62. Veggie Pancake (Pancake Sayuran) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Flour, Egg, Oil, Cabbage. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Milk, Potato, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Soy Sauce, Fish, Salt. Peralatan utama : Frying Pan, Knife.

63. Jam Bun (Roti Selai) Bahan / Bumbu utama : Bread, Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Strawberry Jam. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : - Peralatan utama : -

64. Chirashi Sushi Bahan / Bumbu utama : Rice Ball, Scrambled Egg, Sashimi, Vinegar. Bahan / Bumbu tambahan : Cucumber, Soy Sauce. Peralatan utama : Knife.

Link Download Harvest Moon + Emulator


Harvest Moon (SNES) - 1Mb

Harvest Moon 64 (Nintendo 64) - 5Mb

Back to Nature (PSX) - 31Mb
[Bahasa Inggris = pilih 'SLOW DOWNLOAD'] atau [Bahasa Indonesia =]

Back to Nature for Girls [Japanese] (PSX) - 42Mb

Save the Homeland (PS2) - Packed=40Mb, Unpacked=Under 2Gb
atau (46Mb - SLOW DOWNLOAD)

A Wonderful Life: Special Edition (PS2) - Packed=353Mb, Unpacked=Under 2Gb
atau (354Mb - SLOW DOWNLOAD)

Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition (PS2) - Packed=172Mb, Unpacked=Under 2Gb
atau (188Mb - SLOW DOWNLOAD)

A Wonderful Life (GC) - Packed=227Mb, Unpacked=Under 2Gb

Another Wonderful Life (GC) - Packed=117Mb, Unpacked=Under 2Gb

Magical Melody (GC) - Packed=???, Unpacked=???

Hero of Leaf Valley (PSP) - Packed=102Mb, Unpacked=???
atau (130Mb)

Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon (PSP) - Packed=228Mb, Unpacked=???

Boy & Girl (PSP) - Packed=75Mb, Unpacked=???

Harvest Moon GB (GBC) - 1Mb

Harvest Moon 2 GBC (GBC) - 1Mb

Harvest Moon 3 GBC (GBC) - 1Mb

Friends of Mineral Town (GBA) - 4Mb >>> Pilih "Free Download"

More Friends of Mineral Town (GBA) - 6Mb >>> Pilih "Regular Download"

[PACKED] ~ FoMT & MFoMT + Emulator VBA - 10Mb

Harvest Moon DS (NDS) - 28Mb

Harvest Moon DS Cute (NDS) - 20Mb

Island of Happiness (NDS) - 19Mb

Sunshine Islands (NDS) - 23Mb
atau (14Mb)

Grand Bazaar (NDS) - 34Mb
atau (35Mb)

The Tale of Two Towns (NDS) - 52Mb
atau (59Mb)

RF1 (Rune Factory Series - NDS)- 73Mb

RF2 (Rune Factory Series - NDS) - 69Mb

RF3 (Rune Factory Series - NDS) - 64Mb
atau (74Mb)

Puzzle de Harvest Moon (NDS) - 4Mb

Frantic Farming (NDS) - 11Mb

Harvest Fishing (NDS) - 11Mb >>> Pilih "Regular Download"

Tree of Tranquility (WII) - Size=4.3Gb

Animal Parade (WII) - Size=4.3Gb

My Little Shop (WII) - Packed=35Mb, Unpacked=???

Magical Melody (GC) - Size=4.3Gb

Rune Factory: Frontier (WII) - Size=4.3Gb

Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny (WII) - Size=4.3Gb



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Dolphin (GC & WII)

Desmume / No$Gba / Ideas (NDS)
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